Tuesday 4 January 2011

Write: Jan 3rd - In This Life (chapter twenty)

Yesterday I began a new project which I worked on further today, I turned about 350 words into 1250 words. I'm not entirely happy with those words, but I wrote them anyway. That's one of the good things about writing fiction, in my opinion, being able to write, rewrite and rewrite again. It's something I enjoyed particularly about my story Guilt. I spent months doing just that until I'd actually rewritten the start after the rest of the story had been completed, despite it being the very first thing I wrote originally.

Now with fanfiction, usually rewriting can't occur on a full story basis. Sure, while I'm trying to put a chapter together, I can edit it as much as I like. But once in a while I find myself wanting to change things I've already published...which can't really be done if 500 people have already read it.

Part of me has wanted to rewrite my story In This Life(ITL), which, for the most part, I an proud of. However, as writers block took hold of me many months ago, it made ITL harder and harder to write.

You're possibly sat there thinking, what are you talking about? Does this post have a point? Why yes, it does. In This Life, after months of struggles has finally been updated. It may not be the best chapter in the world, I may not be as proud if said chapter as I could be. But mostly, I'm just glad I felt able to write it. Now I wonder if I'll have the ability to write more, I hope so. I really, really hope so.

Here it is: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5999648/22/

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