Monday 17 January 2011

Write: Jan 17th - Any guesses?!

If your answer was 'In This Life', you wouldn't be wrong.

I didn't a very useful piece today, in fact I don't feel I wrote very much at all. I couldn't, I had a difficult evening. But what I did write I hope will be significant for the future.

In the morning I hope to find out what is supposed to be in the chapter as when I wrote I was attempting to go off my memory as far as the storyline goes.

Once I get the plan I wrote up and running it should be a relatively easy chapter to write!

Read: Jan 17th - The Postmistress (6)

It's funny how something so simple, so, almost pointless, can actually be rather romantic in a weird and wonderful way.

There's many characters in this novel, various groups and couples that it'd be difficult to remember them all off the top of my head.

The significant three people are:
Frankie Bard - journalist
Iris James - postmistress
Emma Fitch - the doctor's wife

(to any Skins fans out there I KNOW!!! :D about Emma Fitch!)

In this particular scene in question a man comes to the post office who goes by the name Harry. He's carrying a mug. After fixing a cancelling machine (whatever that is, it stamped dates on envelopes) Iris assumed Harry wanted to send the mug. So, as you would expect, she disappeared into the back looking for a box and tissue to wrap up the mug.

Once it had been sealed she asked 'where to?' to which he replied 'you!'

Can I get an AWW!