Monday 10 January 2011

Read: Jan 10th - Perfect Holiday (2)

Now that I have reached a chapter where the previous characters continue to live their holiday live I'm rather intrigued. The three 'groups' mentioned yesterday are the only characters there are. Well not all, but the main characters. There are the people who own the hotel and a young chap called Lucas and of course the widows grown up children and friends mentioned too.

What interests me here is that for once this chapter contained a piece of each groups stories, stories which haven't mixed so I wonder if they ever will.

However, I am happy to say that the story of Susie and Chloe has inspired me to write, that in itself is quite exciting.

I'd now like to celebrate my 10 days of's to 355 more!

Write: Jan 10th - Nameless

No I'm not writing a story called Nameless.

I just haven't got a name for what I wrote. Nor do I have any details about it for you.

I suppose you could say it's a surprise, a little something I'm working on in the background!

For now, all you need to know is that I wrote 640 words from the point of view of a bar man, who also happens to be nameless.

I'm actually in search of a name for him, but more importantly a name for the leading man in this story. He will be a 'nice' guy, he will be religious, he will care deeply, he will be sensitive, he isn't really that manly but at the same time he's not some poor defenceless, weak man.

Suggestions welcome, answers on a postcard (or in a comment box - pretty sure I accept anonymous ones).

Write: Jan 9th - In This Life

I've been continuing to write my Skins story 'In This Life', I've not quite finished a chapter yet which is partly why I didn't upload it for the world to see. My Internet connection also decided to reset itself and the router so it's taken me this long just to get that sorted. But of course, as the resolution suggests, I did my writing for the day and I read double what I needed to really.

Writing will have to take a backseat though for a few days as I have an essay to complete. I'll still attempt to write 500 or so words each day though, or something anyway.

Read: Jan 9th - The Perfect Holiday

I started a new book, I have it as an ebook and since it cost just £1.99, i thought why not.

The Perfect Holiday by Cathy Kelly

The first chapter centred around a couple who have taken a holiday in order to have a break after the husband has been suffering from alcoholism. They were given the honeymoon suite for some strange reason, because the hotel owner saw it in them.

So naturally I expect chapter two to be something more about this couple who seem to be having a second honeymoon. Right? Wrong.

Chapter two was in actual fact about a woman whose husband died a couple of years ago and she is still grieving for him. She's struggling over her grief and the holiday alone is one step towards living a more positive life.

So of course now I expect to flit between the two stories of the honeymoon couple and the grieving widow, especially since said widow mentioned said couple.

Err, I suppose I'm wrong. Chloe and Susie are two friends looking for nightlife (in a really typical, unindividual kind of way) and instead they get a quiet, peaceful family resort. All because Hotel Athena and Hotel Athenee look similar. Yeah, sure, whatever.

All of these people are staying in the same resort, but aside from the widows mention, there's no connections between stories. Whether there will be is another story, or perhaps it'll just be a case of short, one-chapters about a different pair or singular.

There was a Lady Gaga reference, meaning the story is relatively new...but what do you reckon there'll be no reference to sexuality?! Chloe and Sarah should have been gay. Why not?! Just adds to their differences really. The whole world isn't straight after all.

I'm intrigued by the point of this story.