Tuesday 4 January 2011

Write: Jan 4th - In This Life

I sat down with two files open - my Table I file (which is where 20 prompts from table I of a The Mentaliat prompt community on Livejournal are in order for me to write 20 fics. 1 down, 19 to go) and In This Life. I decided that due to the busyness of the next couple of days (meal for uncles birthday tomorrow, followed by my granddads funeral on Thursday), starting a Skins chapter would be the most useful for writing on a bus. Only tomorrow I won't be coming home on a bus and depending on what my mum is doing, may not be going to work on one either.

Anyway, I do still aim to write, of course. Though the aim may be a little harder, but we'll see.

So the purpose of this post - to inform you, whoever you may be (my two followers who have made yourselves known - hi Charlie, hi Natalia! *waves*) that I wrote 628 words of chapter twenty-one. May not be a lot, but it's writing!

Here's the full story up to date if you're interested in reading: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5999648/1/

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