Thursday 13 January 2011

Write: Jan 13th

I started something new, again. Only this time it wasn't a new Naomily story, or even Skins. It's going to be a piece of original fiction. I'm hoping it'll be of novel length when it's completed.

A couple of days ago I said that if I have no job after March (which I'm expecting not to due to funding issues) then I will write a novel. Somehow today an idea came to me. So far it's a basic premise for the story, the character set up, families, that sort of thing. I need to work out a complete character profile for my main characters and some of the significant lesser characters. Then I can flesh out the story idea.

I'll keep you updated.

Tonight I wrote from the quote "life's a show and we all play a part" from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the musical episode), it worked relatively well with my main character who will be a confident, bitchy girl on the surface.

I hope this story will progress nicely.

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