Thursday 13 January 2011

Write: Jan 12th - In This Life chapter 22

I wrote chapter twenty-two of my Skins story, 'In This Life' and really...that's all I need to say!

Unless you'd rather I bore you with stories of Anna Karenina and a postmistress again, haha.

Busy day tomorrow, not looking forward to it really. It'll be over soon, in about 14 hours I'll be able to relax and continue to read and write.

Twelve days in a row, for someone who's struggled lately with writing, this feels so unbelievably good.

Despite having a ton of Naomily fanfics to continue writing, after January 27th, I will also have the new Skins characters to write about. After all, I can't let someone else have all the fun! ;P

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