Monday 10 January 2011

Write: Jan 10th - Nameless

No I'm not writing a story called Nameless.

I just haven't got a name for what I wrote. Nor do I have any details about it for you.

I suppose you could say it's a surprise, a little something I'm working on in the background!

For now, all you need to know is that I wrote 640 words from the point of view of a bar man, who also happens to be nameless.

I'm actually in search of a name for him, but more importantly a name for the leading man in this story. He will be a 'nice' guy, he will be religious, he will care deeply, he will be sensitive, he isn't really that manly but at the same time he's not some poor defenceless, weak man.

Suggestions welcome, answers on a postcard (or in a comment box - pretty sure I accept anonymous ones).

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