Monday 3 January 2011

Read: Jan 3rd - Short story 'Outside/Inside'

January 3rd

Read: Grl2grl by Julie Anne Peters, Short story 'Outside/Inside'

So I'm here again, with another short story from the same book. I haven't blogged the first story because I read it around the time I first got the book. I do, however, after having read 3 of the 10 stories in the book, wonder if I should just read them all. They can't all be as clichéd as yesterdays, can they?!

Maybe they can.

See, I thought it was going well. This wonderful story about trying to choose the best card to send. It was from the point of view of a boy, at least I think 'Logan' is meant to be a boy (I never can tell with American names - today I learnt someone named her daughter Hunter, who'd have thought it?). I read most of the story imagining it was a female, it could have been either, the story didn't specify enough for a gender to be chosen.

Anyway, I'm getting off track. Logan bought a card, it kept mentioning the outside then inside messages.

(Outside) I love you
(Inside) Every day/ every way

That wasn't so bad, I quite like the concept. The build up of buying a card with card messages and details of moments Logan had spent noticing the girl he liked.

Until the end, when we find out it's for a teacher. Talk about a cliché, what an anti-climax.

Now I'm wondering if there's any point reading any more from this book, well, that's story four. Why not try just one more.

Until tomorrow...for now I will read a non-fiction book about counselling children. I wonder if it will be any good.

P.S. Having read the book last night for all of about five minutes I realised that the counselling book was also rather infuriating. I don't agree with most of the things suggested in the chapter I started. That book will be returning to the college library unread, I can guarantee that now.

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