Wednesday 19 January 2011

Write/Read: Jan 18 - In This Life

I am angry with myself because I didn't do any official reading today. I did, however, have two chapters of my story that I wrote today and subsequently they both needed proof reading. So really...that counts. I read approximately 4000 words which is a lot of reading really.

Tomorrow I will try to do extra reading to make up for it. I think I'm beginning to realise that it's not about writing a whole essay/story or reading a whole piece of writing every single day.

I've written double what I could have even expected, which also involved reading.

I keep associating reading as reading fiction but in addition to reading the story I wrote, I've read a handful of long messages, some articles (not necessarily very well written but it's reading all the same). I need to stop restricting my reading to fiction because I could read an interesting article and that counts.

I'm very proud of the chapters I've written, I feel like I've accomplished something and that feels good.

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