Saturday 1 January 2011

Read: Jan 1st - Grl2grl by Julie Anne Peters, chapter 'Can't Stop the Feeling'

January 1st

Read: Grl2grl by Julie Anne Peters, Short story 'Can't Stop the Feeling'

A story about a girl called Mariah, it's very American and felt in many ways like a cliché of American teenage life. But the concept was important, significant. Mariah isn't just any teenager, she's gay. Not that she'll admit that. Not to the Gay/ Straight Alliance that meets in her school every Thursday at three pm, not even to herself.

Until the day she faces her fear of stepping through the doorway, entering the meeting one Thursday after doing everything to avoid them for about five weeks. Only it's not so bad.

Not only does the lovely sounding Lily (of course made me think Loveless, but with pom poms haha) make for a very possible future partner, she also offers her not just non-judgement but also the gift of time. There's no rush admitting how she feels and that, I feel, is the greatest message to come out of the story.

You don't have to tell people that you're gay, you don't even have to think about it...but when you do, someone will be there to listen, to support you and to help you come to terms with it.

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