I read a blog about filter words which was rather interesting and perhaps extremely useful. I used to use filter words, a lot but gradually I found they'd become redundant. When I'm struggling to write something I slip back into old habits, I know I do it, I just can't always stop myself.
But as the blog posts I read in regards to said filter words, both suggested that while it's an easy thing to write, it's also an easy thing to spot when reading. It's something I will have to remember to look out for when I proof read my own work.
I find blogs like this one completely useful for my own progress as a writer. I don't consider myself to be anything of an expert and I still struggle to form sentences. Heck, I still struggle to remember what exactly a verb is and how these adverbs and what not fit into the structure of a sentence.
Like many others, I wasn't taught the craft of writing well enough to know these things flawlessly. Yet I have an interest. I want to learn, to teach myself and have strangers writing blogs from the other side of the world to teach me too. That's one of the things I love most about the Internet.
The lessons, the information. You can teach yourself just about anything with the use of a computer hooked up to the world wide web. I once taught myself basic drumming, just the way the two sticks have to move to different beats sometimes. But I learnt it from a video I found on a website.
That's the power of the internet.
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