Saturday, 1 January 2011

Write: Jan 1st - For Always (The Mentalist fic)

Whilst many people know me as a writer of Skins fanfiction, I also write other things too. I have some original fiction I've created over time and I have more recently started writing Rigsby and Van Pelt stories in 'The Mentalist' fandom.

That's the writing I did today. On LiveJournal there is a prompt community and I signed up to a 20 prompt table. Here is my first ficlet written for the community.

Word: Jan 1st - excepting

I've come across this word a lot lately thanks to reading the epic Sympathy for the Devil fanfiction by tromana (which you should read if you have some spare time). I kept seeing it there on the page and I knew it wasn't right, well, not wrong. I simply mean unfamiliar to me. It appealed to me though, in the same way words for reverie do.

Which is my reason for my word of the day being: excepting.


Prep. With the exception of.
Conj. Except.

(The American Heritage Dictionary)


Prep. Excluding; except; except for (esp in the phrase not excepting).
Conj. An archaic word for unless.
Usage: The word of excepting is considered by many people to be acceptable only after not, only, or without. Elsewhere except is preferred.

My understanding of the word is that a sentence structured as "He was well again except a slight pain in his chest" cannot have except exchanged for excepting.

However, the sentence can be restructured so that it reads "Excepting a slight pain in his chest, he was well again."

I'm already excited to put this word into practice.

Read: Jan 1st - Grl2grl by Julie Anne Peters, chapter 'Can't Stop the Feeling'

January 1st

Read: Grl2grl by Julie Anne Peters, Short story 'Can't Stop the Feeling'

A story about a girl called Mariah, it's very American and felt in many ways like a cliché of American teenage life. But the concept was important, significant. Mariah isn't just any teenager, she's gay. Not that she'll admit that. Not to the Gay/ Straight Alliance that meets in her school every Thursday at three pm, not even to herself.

Until the day she faces her fear of stepping through the doorway, entering the meeting one Thursday after doing everything to avoid them for about five weeks. Only it's not so bad.

Not only does the lovely sounding Lily (of course made me think Loveless, but with pom poms haha) make for a very possible future partner, she also offers her not just non-judgement but also the gift of time. There's no rush admitting how she feels and that, I feel, is the greatest message to come out of the story.

You don't have to tell people that you're gay, you don't even have to think about it...but when you do, someone will be there to listen, to support you and to help you come to terms with it.

A challenge for 2011

On the first day of January 2011 I challenge myself to read and write something every single day. It doesn't need to be much - a paragraph, a handful of quotes, or a 3000 word chapter. Whatever it is, I will catalogue it here. I also hope to learn some new words - perhaps one a day, at least a couple every week.

So that is my challenge and this is my stage, in order for you, whoever you are, to follow my task.

Happy 2011, here's to a productive year.