Sunday, 9 January 2011

Write: Jan 8th - In This Life chapter twenty-one

I finally sat down to the next chapter of In This Life and after a few moments of "oh my gosh I have no idea where this is going or what I'm writing," I managed to make some much needed progress and even posted a new chapter up on as I usually do.

Read: Jan 8th - The Princess and the Penis (3)

For the third day in a row I've been reading this...interesting...fairytale. When I said it was a free ebook, I realise now that I didn't actually inform you of it's author.

RJ Silver

I found another 'free ebook' by the same author but iBooks wouldn't allow me to download it as 'this item is no longer available', which is a royal shame (get it?).

So, The Princess and the Penis...I don't even know what to say.

I suppose you could say it takes the 'fairytales were originally designed to teach people about sex' a little far. It's not a generally concealed concept, it's starkly obvious. The story is about a penis and an innocent princess.

I won't ruin the "punchline" of the story because I actually didn't expect it and I thought it rather humorous.

So please, whoever you are, wherever you are...this is one ebook you should read, if only for the laughs.

Book can be downloaded from in various different formats all very suitable for the different devices that exist including good old PCs.