Monday, 14 February 2011

The last week...

I've been slack, I know I haven't done as much as I should have. Every day I've written something, even if it's just been tweets. Then there's reading, I'm always reading something.

I probably have missed days, but that's okay, once in a while it's okay to miss a day. I had a bad week, I'm sure you'll understand.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Read: Feb 7th

I appear to be having some brain freeze, in all fairness I've had a few things going on for the last couple of days, so I appear to have forgotten what I read.

Oh yes, I remember now...I read a blog! I wish I could remember more than that as it was a good one too. Apologies this week isn't going well blog wise.

Write: Feb 7th

Last night I stayed in bed, from the moment I got home from work pretty much until I went to sleep a few hours later. So how does someone who's been feeling pretty sorry for them self write...well I asked a friend for some word or phrase to prompt me. She gave me Adele's song Someone like you and I listened to the song and heard the lyrics and there, like a Phoenix out of ashes, not just my writing grew but a whole idea for a story of some sort appeared.

Feb 5th where art thou?!

I know I've been keeping on top of my reading and writing...but I appear to have lost of a whole day of blogging about it. If anyone finds it, please return to this address...haha.

Write: Feb 6th

I've been writing, though apparently not blogging for a couple of days allows me to forget just what I have written on which days. But I know I wrote. I probably wrote some of my Holiday fic again as that's making good progress.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Read: Feb 6th - sewing!

I spent most of the day sewing. I have a bag I'd been working on, mostly waiting to buy some interfacing and I finally got the chance to do it. So I spent most of the day reading instructions as to what I had to do.

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Read: Feb 4th - The Postmistress

I read the same book again and I'm a little curious as to its direction. The storyline that was beginning to unfold had a sense of foreboding, as though something bad is going to happen...I've learnt a lot about the craft over the last few years and something that's always stood out for me is that words matter. Everything you write will matter for the story.

So now I'm curious as to what something I read alludes to. In no normal universe does someone mention something unusual in their thoughts, without said unusual thing having an impact in some way on the story.

I'll keep you posted...

Write: Feb 4th - Holidays and bunnies

I finally pulled what I'd written for my holiday fic off my phone and onto my computer, which meant it needed editing. I had a small sliver of doubt over whether I should switch POV or not, as I already had done.

I read a blog at some point basically telling people that POV switch isn't the best idea...but since this is fanfiction and it's quite a laid back fic, compared to the last one at least, it doesn't matter as much.

I also wrote a blog about musical bunnies - that is, plot bunnies that come from songs!

Friday, 4 February 2011

Write: Feb 3rd - coffee shops and counting

I didn't write anything substantial. It often happens that I find myself unappealed to what the world is offering by way of inspiration and so, I don't write as much as I want to.

I sat in a coffee shop hoping for something to push me into action, perhaps someone with an interesting look having some form of argument with someone they know.

Something I didn't realise about the road outside said coffee shop, people walk fast. I had 3 possibly directions by which people could appear. And so I started a tally. In just FIVE minutes, I counted ONE HUNDRED people passing by...and those were only the ones I caught. There was probably another twenty five per cent on top of that.

So I sat back and I watched and I wondered if I'd probably been witness to about a thousand people going about their day. Now in a town of about two hundred and fifty thousand, that's quite a proportion to be able to see in only three hundred seconds.

So I made a few scribbled notes about a couple of people who caught my eye - like man with backpack right up against shoulders and black bob hat with a brim, he looked like one of the less well functioning members of society. Perhaps that's a judgement, an unfair one at that, but I went there looking for inspiration as to what people do and say on an average day walking past a coffee shop in the centre of Bolton.

Read: Feb 3rd - The Postmistress

I tried to read my book yesterday on a bus full of passengers. It was hard. Two women were gas bagging behind me, making the task rather difficult. In the end, after the Police and Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive (GMPTE to us locals) had hopped on to check tickets, I gave up.

I did look at that third book from the Richard and Judy book club, but it didn't appeal enough for me to actually spend £4 on it.

Have to admit, I didn't do an awful lot of complete fiction reading, but that's okay as I did read some blogs and also twitter! Though the grammar and such in 140 characters is shocking, so hardly the most inspiring thing in the world.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Write: Feb 2nd - blogs and bitches

I wrote a blog. My first attempt at this post a day malarky. It was about what job I'd like to do. Instead of rehashing my post about rhinos, flying and the job currently doing, I'll talk instead about the fiction writing I did.

Katie Fitch (character in UK tv show Skins) for all the love that I have for her, is a bitch. It's a choice, I think, or perhaps she struggles to handle all of the feelings bubbling inside. In the show she's seen heavily as the bitchy one, but I know her differently and have done since I started writing the other side.

In fact now you're making me want to write a fic about pop off and make some notes before I forget.

Read: Feb 2nd - The Postmistress

With the recent twists and turns and dramatic moments of this novel, I find myself just as excited about it as the day I bought it. That was most probably a Tuesday. I had a half price voucher from WHSmiths that I didn't hesitate to use.

Unfortunately for my bank balance I got a second voucher for another book that appears to have moments set in the first world war. Then on purchasing said half price book I got a third voucher. So now I've been only a start date away from purchasing a third book.

Where before I didn't plan on buying any, I've now spent the cost of a whole booking on buying one great and one (I hope) is great. We'll see if a third is least now I'll have plenty to read.

Watch this space...

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Write: Feb 1st - holiday/blog

I finally found the starting point for my story that I've been struggling over for weeks. I'm glad. I need something that will capture my whole attention again. I don't mind writing one-shots and general short fiction, but I love to become embroiled in the lives I've created.

I also started a new blog, a second blog where I will write about creativity from a more general perspective. It's my hopes of improving my writing and putting myself out into the writing world as a blogger. I also happened to come across a post a day challenge which grabbed my attention.

So look out for it...

Read: Feb 1st -The Postmistress

The saddest fact of war, of anything, for me, is children losing parents or parents losing children. The Postmistress, being set during the Blitz, was bound to include some form of death and destruction.

But there's something very different between the news reporter, Frankie, talking about people dying and her ending up in a shelter with a little boy from two doors down her own flat. Seeing that tiny snippet of his life was enough to send the shivers through my bones and the tears down my face as Frankie explains the seven year old boy's mother's death. As well as that of her flat mate and fellow reporter Harriet.

My original intention was to talk about how out of place it felt for Frankie to have sex in an alley with a man she doesn't even know the name of. But that seems barely significant with the later events.

Monday, 31 January 2011

Read: Jan 31st - The Postmistress

I returned to my faithful and suitably cheap but highly appropriate book today.

I love it. The more I read, the more I love.

I have a couple of short phrases/words I wanted to highlight for various reasons.

"the brave huzzahs" what a word, huzzah, it's like a celebration yet in this world it's rarely used. When I think of it I imagine Renaissance Fayres like they showed in a few episodes of Gilmore Girls. Talking in olde English and cheering with all the "huzzah!" in the world.

Then there was "present company excepting" useage of that word again, I word I very much enjoy reading and feel like I'm learning well during every eventuality in which it occurs.

Write: Jan 31st - One Month gone

I stepped into 2011 with an intention to read and write every day, one month down the line and my intentions haven't changed, nor have my ability to do what I hoped to.

Day 31, another day another piece of writing. This time a random short piece about walking...

- She walked, put one foot in front of the other along the dirt track until the stark moorland appeared along with an intensely cold breeze. Her feet ached like worn out muscles after the Great North Run. She'd never been athletic, had ended up with regular trouble from her right ankle after breaking it in a school sports day. They assumed because she was tall and thin that she could run, she begged to differ. The asthma excepting she had poorly developed muscles and little interest in speeding along. What need was there for going at several miles per hour when she could opt for a brisk stroll? -

Sunday, 30 January 2011

Write: Jan 30th

I began writing a little more for my holiday story, there's not a lot to be said about it really. It's not nearly ready to be written properly, let alone read!

Read: Jan 30th - Anna Karenina

I read some more of Tolstoy's Anna Karenina this morning. I do find the formal, older-style English a lot harder to read quickly or with ease. Despite that I was taken in by a paragraph:

"Stepan Arkadyevitch had not chosen his political opinions or his views; these political opinions and views had come to him of themselves, just as he did not choose the shapes of his hat and coat, but simply took those that were being worn."

The idea that out opinions, views, tastes, fashions are all created by someone else isn't entirely new. Socialisation and the general act of upbringing has been something I've studied. I haven't, however, thought of the world in quite this way before.

The idea that a person's political views are simply forced upon them because there are limited options, like clothes, is quite stark.

I know that my general views on politics and the like are too complex to really matter in this respect. But clothing, it really is something I have an issue with and the limits of it frustrate me to no end.

Write: Jan 29th - holiday

I've been working on this holiday fic again, only basic ideas and a little bit of prose from later in the story. It needs work, the whole idea needs a proper plan!

Read: Jan 29th - blog of blogs

Well, what I've read today isn't really a blog of blogs but it feels like it.

It all started when I saw a retweet on Twitter from one of the few fantastic writing accounts. What I was linked to was a blog and not just any blog but a blog that then linked me onto perhaps the greatest resource ever invented for a writer.

A search engine that doesn't pick up a 'POV' search by giving you Wikipedia links for cars, or what not. No, it's a search engine dedicates solely to the great, work of art, that is writing.

I'm amazed and very happy. I must never lose this website, genius concept! About 1500 blogs all in one

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Read: Jan 28th - Anna Karenina

I tried reading a little more of this 'classic'. So far I have found little that pulls me into the story keeping me interested and the full naming of people like Stepan Arkadyevitch make life very difficult for someone who enjoys the ease of reading English. Any hurdle like that annoys me a little.

Write: Jan 28th - Holiday!

No, I'm not taking a break (haha!), I'm finally starting to work once more on my new Skins/Naomily story that is basically an Alternate Universe in which Naomi and Emily meet on a holiday in Spain.

There is a basic plan and strangely enough I've already written the most random section from the point of view of a bar man. I've also written a later scene between Emily and Katie.

It's my first proper attempt (at least, in a long time) at trying to include other characters into the story.

I tend to write Naomily, Katie, their families and the occasional Cook or JJ or Effy. Rarely the others and rarely so many of them together.

The holiday will centre around Emily, Katie, Effy and Pandora being a group of friends who decided to go away together

Friday, 28 January 2011

Read: Jan 27th - instructions and stuff

That's my way of saying I didn't read very much in terms of fiction or someones else's creation. I read some instructions, I read an exam paper and I read back the writing I have done.

I know I've slacked off with the reading recently but I honestly believe that it's okay because the writing has more than made up for it. At times the scale had been tipped towards reading, now it's just tipped in the opposite direction. I doubt I'll be able to find a happy medium until I finish my college course in March.

Write: Jan 27th - In This Life finale

Yes, you're reading that correctly. I've finished In This Life, the final chapter has been posted. The Skins Alternate Universe I created is over.

Unfortunately it ended very open so it'd be wrong not to write a sequel! Oops.

Was always my intention really. There were so many undeveloped aspects of the story and unanswered questions, most of which relate to Naomi's world and how Emily fits into that.

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Read: Jan 26th - Sewing again!

I bought a book today called something like the great sewing bible and it's fantastic. I probably could read it in greater detail but for now I'm happy.

Write: Jan 25th/26th

I've spent the last couple of days working on the penultimate chapter of In This Life, a story that has stayed extremely close to my chest and in many ways has broken me before fixing me again.

I have so much I want to write, so many things I feel I have to say. This story sums up a lot of vision of the world. I dint think you'll ever get another story so personal to me.

On a side note, didn't get as much writing done on the 25th as I would have liked. I found out there's a Skins writing competition, finding that out was like being told your life was worth something. Then I read the age limit, I'm 13 months too old. I was and still am devastated that after two years of writing Skins fanfiction, I don't get this opportunity. I've waited for a writing competition for years.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Read: Jan 25th - Sewing

I've been reading about sewing. After receiving a sewing machine for my birthday I feel I needed to look up more about the general concept if sewing and ideas.

I made a little (seriously small!) bag with a button from a scrap of fabric my mum had, I would really like to make a bigger bag and these books have some wonderful ideas.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Read: Jan 24th

I read quite a jumble of things.

I started with fanfiction, though I didn't complete it. I even read a little of my new sewing machine instruction manual.

I also read bits of blogs too.

I should read more blogs really and comment on them too.

Monday, 24 January 2011

Write: Jan 24th - In This Life ch29

I completed another chapter of my Skins fanfiction today. It's quite an exciting place to be, at the end. I loved writing this story so much that it's kind of sad. It's been challenging but a challenge I've enjoyed for the most part.

What I am worried about is how Naomily fanfiction will be received once the third generation begins.

I don't want this to end.

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Write/Read: Jan 22nd - In This Life

Yep, another chapter written!!! Then I had to read bits if it in order to make it the bees I could.

Perhaps a bit of a cop out on the reading front, but I had a busy day. Today's my birthday so I spent the day with some friends, had a really lovely time.

Friday, 21 January 2011

Write: Jan 21st - More 'In This Life'

I wrote most of this on the walk to the bus stop and as I sat waiting, then I edited it and added in the non dialogue. It needs a little more work to make it readable, but that's going to be tomorrows job.

Read: Jan 21st - Write Sideways

One day I searched Twitter for people directly related to writing and there I came upon a member called @writesideways. They have a website, well, a blog and I found some interesting information on there about the craft.

Just yesterday, the woman who is at the front of Write Sideways, posted something on Twitter that caught my attention. Filter words! It was my source of yesterdays reading.

Anyway, as I clicked on the link to her website a popup came up informing me of a free ebook if I signed up to her website. I grabbed the opportunity with both hands.

So tonight I've been reading the first few pages. It's not a traditional book in that it's not a fiction book, nor is it a non-fiction book where there's sections you read. It's a wordbook entitled Read Better, Write Better. Suzannah Windsor Freeman, the ebook's author, believes there's some sort of formula to writing a good, publishable novel. In this ebook, she has written a template that can be used whilst reading a book to look at what works and what perhaps doesn't.

I'm interested, I'm ready to give it a try. I don't necessarily want to write a book for publishing, but I do want to write a book. So really, any help I can be given, that's good enough for me!

Write: Jan 20th - In This Life

After a very, very productive week writing wise I was completely surprised by my lack of ability to put pen to paper.

I did, of course, I needed to and wanted to.

But I ended late (12.30 approximately) and my head was so shattered that I couldn't read through, check for mistakes and upload it. That will be today's task, whilst hopefully still being able to do a bit of writing to continue the story.

The distance I am from the end of the story makes my toes curl.

Read: Jan 20th - Filter Words

I read a blog about filter words which was rather interesting and perhaps extremely useful. I used to use filter words, a lot but gradually I found they'd become redundant. When I'm struggling to write something I slip back into old habits, I know I do it, I just can't always stop myself.

But as the blog posts I read in regards to said filter words, both suggested that while it's an easy thing to write, it's also an easy thing to spot when reading. It's something I will have to remember to look out for when I proof read my own work.

I find blogs like this one completely useful for my own progress as a writer. I don't consider myself to be anything of an expert and I still struggle to form sentences. Heck, I still struggle to remember what exactly a verb is and how these adverbs and what not fit into the structure of a sentence.

Like many others, I wasn't taught the craft of writing well enough to know these things flawlessly. Yet I have an interest. I want to learn, to teach myself and have strangers writing blogs from the other side of the world to teach me too. That's one of the things I love most about the Internet.

The lessons, the information. You can teach yourself just about anything with the use of a computer hooked up to the world wide web. I once taught myself basic drumming, just the way the two sticks have to move to different beats sometimes. But I learnt it from a video I found on a website.

That's the power of the internet.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Read: Jan 19th - William Blake

I decided to spend a bit of time reading poems by William Blake.

I studied them at sixth form college which was very interesting I must say.

My favourite poem by William Blake is The Echoing Green, I was very surprised when one of the other students (Laura, I think her name was, she sat next to me) suggested that the poem was about death, the life cycle and that concept made the poem so much more interesting.

There are a few I don't know that I attempted to read and I didn't enjoy them all, but that's okay. You can't like everything!

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Write: Jan 19th - In This Life

I've reached the final, hardest part o the uphill struggle and I'm hovering on the very edge waiting until the moment I can start sliding down that hill across the finish line.

I'm excited. I'm scared. I'm, well, I don't know what I am. But I'm ready and willing and wish I had all the time in the world to finish off my story.

Sometimes I get caught up in how many reviews I receive, but when I'm on a roll and I feel the writing flowing through my veins, reviews matter very little. Have you ever played in a sports game? Or done something dangerous? The feel of the adrenaline rushing through your veins, forcing you to want to keep going, to want to keep going whatever it is building up that adrenaline.

This feels like that. I have adrenaline not from the physical act of kicking a ball around a field or jumping off a high cliff, but from feeling the story there inside of me beginning me to write it.

It's amazing.

Write/Read: Jan 18 - In This Life

I am angry with myself because I didn't do any official reading today. I did, however, have two chapters of my story that I wrote today and subsequently they both needed proof reading. So really...that counts. I read approximately 4000 words which is a lot of reading really.

Tomorrow I will try to do extra reading to make up for it. I think I'm beginning to realise that it's not about writing a whole essay/story or reading a whole piece of writing every single day.

I've written double what I could have even expected, which also involved reading.

I keep associating reading as reading fiction but in addition to reading the story I wrote, I've read a handful of long messages, some articles (not necessarily very well written but it's reading all the same). I need to stop restricting my reading to fiction because I could read an interesting article and that counts.

I'm very proud of the chapters I've written, I feel like I've accomplished something and that feels good.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Watch: Jan 18th - Skins (US)

Watching Skins US, the remake episode, the one episode that is as good as a carbon copy.

Mostly just random notes that make little sense if you don't know Skins and Skins US.

Tony - I actually like this Tony, the UK Tony I couldn't stand, this one I don't mind.

Michelle - it's like there's some sort of mix up with Nips and Tony, where I like US Tony, I dislike US Michelle.

Cadie - I don't think she has the same vulnerable/completely insane feel as Cassie.

Unfortunately the whole concept of Stanley losing his virginity is a lot more clichéd in an American show.

I think I like Tea, I love the whole first scene with her, first time I laughed.

Stanley - I can't quite decide whether I like him or not.

I like Tony's parents, but then Stanley's dad shouting in pretty much the same way was a bit of a no no for me.

Chris - wasn't a fan of teacher obsessed Chris, but thieving, 'common' Chris is so much better!

Daisy - she is rather awesome in many ways! She's got a similar sort of sense to Jal, a strong head, the 'normal' one of the bunch and yet she's not Jal, she's different somehow.

Abbud - no real thoughts on her, a bit like with Anwar.

Eura - too early to tell since she's barely been in the episode. She's blonde, which is strange. I don't get the same 'wow, you're so mysterious' feel from her. I suppose I feel like she's just a none talking girl with nothing much about her.

Must admit, I didn't mind it, the episode was alright.

But the preview for the rest of the series makes me wonder how identical the whole thing will be. There might be a lot of people out there who haven't seen Skins but those who have are still interested in Skins US.

* when I say Skins I refer to Skins in it's original form, UK Skins. But as the original I don't want to refer to it as UK Skins like it's an arm of a bigger show, Skins in the UK is CSI, known only as CSI. Skins in the US is like CSI: Miami, so I wI'll refer to that as Skins US. I just wanted to make that clear.

Monday, 17 January 2011

Write: Jan 17th - Any guesses?!

If your answer was 'In This Life', you wouldn't be wrong.

I didn't a very useful piece today, in fact I don't feel I wrote very much at all. I couldn't, I had a difficult evening. But what I did write I hope will be significant for the future.

In the morning I hope to find out what is supposed to be in the chapter as when I wrote I was attempting to go off my memory as far as the storyline goes.

Once I get the plan I wrote up and running it should be a relatively easy chapter to write!

Read: Jan 17th - The Postmistress (6)

It's funny how something so simple, so, almost pointless, can actually be rather romantic in a weird and wonderful way.

There's many characters in this novel, various groups and couples that it'd be difficult to remember them all off the top of my head.

The significant three people are:
Frankie Bard - journalist
Iris James - postmistress
Emma Fitch - the doctor's wife

(to any Skins fans out there I KNOW!!! :D about Emma Fitch!)

In this particular scene in question a man comes to the post office who goes by the name Harry. He's carrying a mug. After fixing a cancelling machine (whatever that is, it stamped dates on envelopes) Iris assumed Harry wanted to send the mug. So, as you would expect, she disappeared into the back looking for a box and tissue to wrap up the mug.

Once it had been sealed she asked 'where to?' to which he replied 'you!'

Can I get an AWW!

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Write: Jan 16th - In This Life (again)

I know, this post is getting repetitive, but what can I say? I'm back in my In This Life rhythm and I might possibly be able to keep hold of that.

I am a little worried the next couple of months will make reading and writing difficult, but I will make it happen, somehow!

Read: Jan 16th - Anna Karenina

I spent another day in bed, which lead to me being very lazy and only managing to read a short amount in the last hour. I did choose another book though, in order to mix it up.

There's not a lot I have to say, except a book full of names like Stepanakert Arkadyevitch make it very hard to read fast as I constantly have to remind myself how to say the name. That's one of the reasons I've never been too fond of reading classics.

Saturday, 15 January 2011

Write: Jan 15th - In This Life

Yes, again. My reading and writing has sort of become a little predictable but it won't always be the same. Books, when I have little free time, take longer to read after all.

I am hoping to complete this chapter tonight before I go to bed, again it'll be technically tomorrow before it's complete, but I have done a reasonable amount tonight.

Read: Jan 15th - The Postmistress (5)

Yet again I've been reading the same book.

I very nearly didn't get my reading in today and in theory I've still not read a suitable amount, but I have read some.

I woke up feeling quite under the weather so is it any surprise that I didn't feel much like reading?! I spent most of the day in bed watching Tru Calling and Primeval. I managed to make some biscuits and chicken for tea though.

I will probably do some more reading before bed, even though it'll technically be tomorrow I will class it as the rest of my today's reading, since I haven't gone to bed yet and all.

Friday, 14 January 2011

Write: Jan 14th - In This Life

I felt shattered, to the point of almost falling asleep at 7.45 pm, so I was beginning to doubt I'd get anything written.

So I opted for a random piece, weirdly enough what I wrote then came to be quite fitting for a chapter of my Skins fic 'In This Life'. It'll probably be revised and I've technically only written a couple of hundred words, but I've written! That's the main thing, especially considering the struggle I had getting that down.

Tomorrow I should have a day of freedom in which I can write!

Read: Jan 14th - The Postmistress (4)

I've always wanted to have the ability to write something with such grace, such imagery that captures hearts and minds in mere seconds.

The Postmistress captures that, it captures what I myself would love to create and it does it all with the character of Frankie Bard. She doesn't write things down but speaks them across the airwaves to America, to her home.

An example of what I'm talking about, Frankie spent an hour or so with some men who shoot blindly into the dark sky above London during the Blitz, they're at risk, they could die, they could be caught and yet there they are, as they are every night, attempting to bring down the bombers.

"It's mad, Ed. These boys firing round after round into the sky---you can't see anything, and after a while the noise and the guns and the slam bam, boom, over and over---well, you start to ride it, like skiing, down down down into the white, mindless, given up to it."

There's something quite poetic about the language she uses and the structure of her sentences that really amazes me. That is the kind of writer I want to be and well, it's always nice to read that too!

On the other side of the coin, and the Atlantic, and my opinions - one of the American characters suggested that the British couldn't handle the Second World War all by themselves. Maybe they needed help, but it was the suggestion that the USA were the only people who could possible save the war for them made me want to throw the book down. Excuse me United States of America, but you can't expect me to be okay with the suggestion that "little old Britain" can't handle a war.

Thankfully the book has been hooked and the character of Frankie is so intriguing, or I would be entirely put off right now.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Write: Jan 13th

I started something new, again. Only this time it wasn't a new Naomily story, or even Skins. It's going to be a piece of original fiction. I'm hoping it'll be of novel length when it's completed.

A couple of days ago I said that if I have no job after March (which I'm expecting not to due to funding issues) then I will write a novel. Somehow today an idea came to me. So far it's a basic premise for the story, the character set up, families, that sort of thing. I need to work out a complete character profile for my main characters and some of the significant lesser characters. Then I can flesh out the story idea.

I'll keep you updated.

Tonight I wrote from the quote "life's a show and we all play a part" from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the musical episode), it worked relatively well with my main character who will be a confident, bitchy girl on the surface.

I hope this story will progress nicely.

Read: Jan 13th - The Postmistress (2)

I've continued reading the book I've been reading since yesterday. The story is really beginning to take hold and I'm more than intrigued as to what will happen in the story.

I was particularly surprised by a paragraph on the Jews. The Holocaust is something we continue to hear about, the history of it and there's museums and such which give a lot of information. This is the first time, from what I recall, where I have read a book about the Second World War that isn't about the Holocaust, but has referred to it.

It's almost like gaining an insight into what it was like for a British person hearing stories of a wall being built around a city. We usually read about it as something that happened a long time ago or something that is occurring for the character we're focused on.

This story has shown the other side, the blind lack of knowledge that people in Britain had about what the Nazis were doing. They didn't know. They hoped it was just containing the Jews in an area, the way they discuss it suggests that the Jews being gassed is something they not only had no idea about but I imagine it would have made them feel just as sick as it makes me feel considering the torture that went on.

Write: Jan 12th - In This Life chapter 22

I wrote chapter twenty-two of my Skins story, 'In This Life' and really...that's all I need to say!

Unless you'd rather I bore you with stories of Anna Karenina and a postmistress again, haha.

Busy day tomorrow, not looking forward to it really. It'll be over soon, in about 14 hours I'll be able to relax and continue to read and write.

Twelve days in a row, for someone who's struggled lately with writing, this feels so unbelievably good.

Despite having a ton of Naomily fanfics to continue writing, after January 27th, I will also have the new Skins characters to write about. After all, I can't let someone else have all the fun! ;P

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Read: Jan 12th - The Postmistress/Anna Karenina

I bought a book, I do believe I mentioned doing so yesterday, since it happened yesterday.

The Postmistress by Sarah Blake (who is apparently married to the poet Josh Weiner, I shall have to Google him later and read some of his work).

This morning as I sat on my bus to work I decided to begin reading.

Now the first chapter wasn't really a chapter and it instantly reminded me of some blogs I read of late relating to 'Prologues' and how they are useless, pointless additions to stories that nobody really wants, nor reads. Well I'm sorry, whoever said that, you're wrong.

Some may dislike prologues, but I actually love them. I didn't find this specific prologue useless, or pointless. It made sense and quite frankly it set the story up nicely for me.

I'm not quite sure what I make of the book just yet but it is early days - I'm on page 17 of 326, so exceptionally early days.

However, in this book I was met with a rather unusual section about a Leo Tolstoy book. With The Postmistress bring set during the Second World War, is it any surprise that a young woman would be shocked at the use of the words "Vronsky was making love to Anna"?!

Said line made me curious and when I get curious I have to do a little research. My curiosity was not about the line itself, but more about exactly how 'proper' and 'classic' is Anna Karenina, I assume that to be the book in question as Anna was mentioned. I often find classics quite, well, difficult. I prefer a story where I don't have to hold a dictionary beside me whilst reading. I found Wuthering Heights particularly difficult to read in college. So my curiosity was there and I remembered the wonderful invention of the iBooks app on my iPod. Within that application there are a large number of free books - all of which are classics.

And so I spent a short time (about 15 minutes probably) reading the first chapter of Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina.

Read: Jan 11th - The Perfect Holiday (3)

I've finally finished this 'short read' and I'm now wondering the point. I can sit and read 4000 words about Skins and the story actually be wonderful, purposeful but this story just seemed odd.

It's all very well spending three chapters introducing three different sets of characters then another three or so chapters with all characters featured, but what was the point if the story? I suppose you could say the message of living life to the fullest is a good one, but per-lease, tired of it.

Overall, I actually enjoyed reading the book. I look forward to starting something new tomorrow! :)

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Write: Jan 11th - new fic!

So the story I started last night is really taking shape as an idea. The barman scene yesterday will fit in somewhere, as will the scene I wrote tonight. 1089 words!

The male in the story now has a name Craig Andrew Hall.
The barman also has a name, being Spanish it had to have a Spanish theme, so he's Danilo. Had to do a bit of research for that one.

Let's just say that Spanish barman means there's a bit of on location for the story...

Now to read before sleep! I'm not sure whether to continue my ebook about a holiday or begin a book I bought today for half price (thank you WHSmiths voucher).

Monday, 10 January 2011

Read: Jan 10th - Perfect Holiday (2)

Now that I have reached a chapter where the previous characters continue to live their holiday live I'm rather intrigued. The three 'groups' mentioned yesterday are the only characters there are. Well not all, but the main characters. There are the people who own the hotel and a young chap called Lucas and of course the widows grown up children and friends mentioned too.

What interests me here is that for once this chapter contained a piece of each groups stories, stories which haven't mixed so I wonder if they ever will.

However, I am happy to say that the story of Susie and Chloe has inspired me to write, that in itself is quite exciting.

I'd now like to celebrate my 10 days of's to 355 more!

Write: Jan 10th - Nameless

No I'm not writing a story called Nameless.

I just haven't got a name for what I wrote. Nor do I have any details about it for you.

I suppose you could say it's a surprise, a little something I'm working on in the background!

For now, all you need to know is that I wrote 640 words from the point of view of a bar man, who also happens to be nameless.

I'm actually in search of a name for him, but more importantly a name for the leading man in this story. He will be a 'nice' guy, he will be religious, he will care deeply, he will be sensitive, he isn't really that manly but at the same time he's not some poor defenceless, weak man.

Suggestions welcome, answers on a postcard (or in a comment box - pretty sure I accept anonymous ones).

Write: Jan 9th - In This Life

I've been continuing to write my Skins story 'In This Life', I've not quite finished a chapter yet which is partly why I didn't upload it for the world to see. My Internet connection also decided to reset itself and the router so it's taken me this long just to get that sorted. But of course, as the resolution suggests, I did my writing for the day and I read double what I needed to really.

Writing will have to take a backseat though for a few days as I have an essay to complete. I'll still attempt to write 500 or so words each day though, or something anyway.

Read: Jan 9th - The Perfect Holiday

I started a new book, I have it as an ebook and since it cost just £1.99, i thought why not.

The Perfect Holiday by Cathy Kelly

The first chapter centred around a couple who have taken a holiday in order to have a break after the husband has been suffering from alcoholism. They were given the honeymoon suite for some strange reason, because the hotel owner saw it in them.

So naturally I expect chapter two to be something more about this couple who seem to be having a second honeymoon. Right? Wrong.

Chapter two was in actual fact about a woman whose husband died a couple of years ago and she is still grieving for him. She's struggling over her grief and the holiday alone is one step towards living a more positive life.

So of course now I expect to flit between the two stories of the honeymoon couple and the grieving widow, especially since said widow mentioned said couple.

Err, I suppose I'm wrong. Chloe and Susie are two friends looking for nightlife (in a really typical, unindividual kind of way) and instead they get a quiet, peaceful family resort. All because Hotel Athena and Hotel Athenee look similar. Yeah, sure, whatever.

All of these people are staying in the same resort, but aside from the widows mention, there's no connections between stories. Whether there will be is another story, or perhaps it'll just be a case of short, one-chapters about a different pair or singular.

There was a Lady Gaga reference, meaning the story is relatively new...but what do you reckon there'll be no reference to sexuality?! Chloe and Sarah should have been gay. Why not?! Just adds to their differences really. The whole world isn't straight after all.

I'm intrigued by the point of this story.

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Write: Jan 8th - In This Life chapter twenty-one

I finally sat down to the next chapter of In This Life and after a few moments of "oh my gosh I have no idea where this is going or what I'm writing," I managed to make some much needed progress and even posted a new chapter up on as I usually do.

Read: Jan 8th - The Princess and the Penis (3)

For the third day in a row I've been reading this...interesting...fairytale. When I said it was a free ebook, I realise now that I didn't actually inform you of it's author.

RJ Silver

I found another 'free ebook' by the same author but iBooks wouldn't allow me to download it as 'this item is no longer available', which is a royal shame (get it?).

So, The Princess and the Penis...I don't even know what to say.

I suppose you could say it takes the 'fairytales were originally designed to teach people about sex' a little far. It's not a generally concealed concept, it's starkly obvious. The story is about a penis and an innocent princess.

I won't ruin the "punchline" of the story because I actually didn't expect it and I thought it rather humorous.

So please, whoever you are, wherever you are...this is one ebook you should read, if only for the laughs.

Book can be downloaded from in various different formats all very suitable for the different devices that exist including good old PCs.

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Read: Jan 7th - The Princess and the Penis (2)

I have continued reading this joyous fairytale, there's something very comical about the whole story.

(This may contain content from the story, so if you want to read without being spoilt, don't continue reading.)
In what world (fictional or otherwise) would you have a penis that isn't attached to a man's body?

It's all rather random and strange.

Now poor Princess Amalia's aunts are hoping they can get a wizard to swap the man-less-penis with the (near enough) penis-less-Prince she's due to marry.

I do think that anyone with an iPod touch and/or iPhone download this book from the ebook store, it's brilliant. And did I mention it was free?!

Friday, 7 January 2011

Write: Jan 7th - Sometimes

This has been the third night where writing wasn't exactly top of my list, mostly because my computer hasn't been on making it less likely for me to write properly. So I opted for my ipod to write on.

I asked someone for a quote, a prompt to get me writing and "The hardest thing to do in this world is live in it" was chosen.

So here it is...

Sometimes life is easy; when every traffic light is on green during the one morning you're late for college or when you're surrounded constantly by people you actually like, who like you and you feel like life couldn't get much better.

But life isn't always that way. There's not always time to smell the roses, or toast some bread before leaving the house and there's not always nice people around giving you that morale boost.

And sometimes, sometimes your dad leaves home, your boyfriend gets murdered and you try to end the painful misery that has become your existence. Not your life, only your surviving moments.

Living and surviving are two very different things.

Take Emily and Naomi for instance, living each day as fully as they could. They're travelling, seeing the world after spending years studying. They're making the most of things and doing it together.

Then there's Pandora, always living with a smile on her face and a random catchphrase to make you laugh, internally anyway.

Out of all of my friends, Cook was probably the only example I could think of who was very good at appearing as though he lived life like every day was his last. But like me, deep down, hidden under his skin, he was swimming hard to keep afloat, to survive.

That was how it felt. I was falling, drowning, struggling to breath, all at once. I was suffocating, not only in the overbearing "support" of my mother, but in life. That's why nobody understood.

Everyone else, they lived. They laughed and cried and shouted and screamed all in the name of happiness, pain, excitement and sorrow. They didn't know what it felt like to wonder if that moment, that exciting scream or painful cry, would be the last one they managed to breath before they succumbed to the water.

Some say the hardest thing to do in this world is live in it. Most of them don't know, don't understand. But perhaps, sometimes, maybe they're right.

Read: Jan 6th - The Princess and the Penis

I downloaded a free ebook with the strangest of name "The Princess and the Penis", what an unusual story it is too. Are you familiar with "The Princess and the Pea"? It's a little like that, in that there is a lump in the Princesses bed...only, it's not a pea. It's a penis. I'm only up to chapter three so I'm still not quite sure where this penis has come from.

But for a fairytale of a more adult variety, it's rather humorous.

Write: Jan 6th - poem

Somehow in my struggle to get to sleep I found myself writing a very brief, random poem. Think I needed to write before I could allow myself to settle.

Clouded. Clogged. Blocked.
Head too full, broken down,
Body weeping.
Exhaustion built over time,
Waiting, wanting, needing,

Aching. Dripping. Shaking.
Too full of things, shattered,
Body crying.
Darkness shadowed, empty space,
Anger rising, always rising,
Never time to stop,
To think,
To calm.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Write: Jan 6th

I didn't write. I got into bed with my iPod at 9.45 planning to do the same as yesterday.

Spent almost 2 hours with loud music on trying to block out the sister's phone call in order to sleep, let alone write.

Hate that she's made me break my resolution.

I can't write when she's made to shut up in a minute because I'm so exhausted that I can't even think straight.

This could be classed as writing, right?

I did read, but I will upload that post tomorrow.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Write: Jan 5th - Wind

I'm tired, so very tired as I write this. It's amazing what a few hours in a busy restaurant surrounded by people can be. And tomorrow I go to my granddad's I'm sure you can understand my lack of desire to write. Firstly because my brain won't work. But I put together a random piece of prose that I can't even process in my head. I can't tell you if it makes sense because I honestly have no idea.

I'll read it back in the morning and let you know my thoughts, but for now, I managed to write. Though it is very short.


A tree sits on the top of a cliff, weathered into position as a leaning lady. Alone. A cliff much higher than every piece of land surrounding it. Nothing else can grow in the stark, dilapidated surroundings. Not with winds gusting faster and harder than anywhere else as far as the eye could see. That doesn't stop them going up there, walking along the clifftop until the wind blows their eyes almost shut and their coats tightly around their bodies. They're not used to the harsh conditions, can't cope with the battle between human and nature as they attempt their ascent. There once lay a bench under the tree with a plaque 'For Deidre, a woman who loved to feel the wind in her face.' But even that had suffered from the intense winds and salty moisture in the air. So the tree continued to sit alone, in a world where people came and went with as much frequency as the sun, until one day a man cared little for the strong gales. He laid down a blanket and sat crossed legged in front of the beautiful view. And there he sat, with his eyes barely open as he watched the wind blow the sea towards land and back again.

P.S. It's morning and that made enough sense, yay.

Read: Jan 5th - Short story 'Stone Cold Butch'

January 5th

Read: Grl2grl by Julie Anne Peters, Short story 'Stone Cold Butch'

Giving up a considerably failing unentertaining book can be easy, doing the same with a short stories anthology is probably a big mistake. After all, you never know what hidden gems you might find.

Today's story started off, shall we say, clichéd (yes, there's clichés in every story). A teenager handing in a video because they didn't want to write an essay, I've been there, done that, got the t-shirt in at least two different places. One was a television show. Why do students feel that handing in a video when they've been assigned an essay is acceptable? You might not like the concept of writing an essay, but in education in the 21st Century, we often have to do the things we don't want.

I hate writing a learning review for my college course, doesn't mean I'm recording myself saying it instead. I write it, because that's what I've been assigned to do.

Now, onwards with the story.

It got better...if you can ever call the story "better".

Cam is the main character this time. I'm not sure if all these people go to the same high school or not, but if they did, that's a lot of gay girls they have. There's a feel that they do though, perhaps in different years/at different times.

They wrote Cam being asked on a date as carefree as anything, as though her being gay isn't an issue. Which it isn't. But we know from experience that fiction can portray it in such a way. Being gay in fiction is sometimes tokenistic, other times it's just 'such a big deal'. All very well for a 16 year old who's unsure of herself.

I don't know her age but I placed Cam as about 17/18, vulnerable, has had many girlfriends (well at least one, plus someone she fooled around with).

This story, her story, was not about her sexuality. Sure they mentioned it and her idea that shaving her head would make her look like a boy could be considered to do with her sexuality, but it's not.

It's because her dad has been abusing her since she was six years old.

Who wouldn't want to find ways to repulse him after years of abuse, abuse that stops you being able to have sex or even accept a date with a girl without feeling like he's there, involved.

Unlike the case of the brief 'self-harm' mention in a earlier story, it was surprising how you can actually approach a deep situation in a short story. But it can't be one line, flitted away like it's an insignificant part of every day life. It must be built into the entire story, explored, felt and somehow Cam's story did just that.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Write: Jan 4th - In This Life

I sat down with two files open - my Table I file (which is where 20 prompts from table I of a The Mentaliat prompt community on Livejournal are in order for me to write 20 fics. 1 down, 19 to go) and In This Life. I decided that due to the busyness of the next couple of days (meal for uncles birthday tomorrow, followed by my granddads funeral on Thursday), starting a Skins chapter would be the most useful for writing on a bus. Only tomorrow I won't be coming home on a bus and depending on what my mum is doing, may not be going to work on one either.

Anyway, I do still aim to write, of course. Though the aim may be a little harder, but we'll see.

So the purpose of this post - to inform you, whoever you may be (my two followers who have made yourselves known - hi Charlie, hi Natalia! *waves*) that I wrote 628 words of chapter twenty-one. May not be a lot, but it's writing!

Here's the full story up to date if you're interested in reading:

Donating to Charity using...a cash machine?

I'm concerned.

An article I just read about something that's been in the news lately, is really concerning me.

The idea that people should be able to donate to charities using cash machines.

How is this idea plausible?

My assumption is that on the 'donate to charity' option you will have a list of charities you can donate to. Or else, how would it work? If there isn't a list of preset charities, then how can you and the cash machine know what details are needed for the money to be transferred?

The problem I have with this (should there be a list of preset charities) is that, inevitably, smaller charities will miss out. Bigger charities will get more donations, partly because they're familiar to the majority of the country (like they don't already get the highest percentage of donations anyway!) and small charities will lose out more than they already do.

I've done charity bag packs, I've stood at the end of a till and asked people politely if they'd like assistance and then they've given me money to support a small, local charity. We've raise a few hundreds pounds here and there, but very rarely enough to support the organisations long term.

Let's say a person got money out of the cash machine outside the supermarket before they went inside, what if they pressed the donate to charity button and gave £2 to a large, national charity which would probably get lost in their higher administration costs? What if they then walked into the supermarket, got asked if they wanted help packing their bags and decided 'no, I won't donate to this small, local charity that has helped me pack almost 100 items into 10 or so bags, because I've already donated to charity today'.

I understand the need to encourage people to donate, I understand the concept of making it 'easier'. But what the big boys don't understand is that the little fish out there struggle more because they're less well known and if this concept only hinders their (much harder) fight for fundraising then it's a very bad thing.

It's part of this 'Big Society' idea, right? But what part of Big Society doesn't support the smallest, most vulnerable aspects of its society?

And none of this even begins to cover the idea that 'the government should try to set as a social norm that everyone should give 1% of their income to charity, or a fixed proportion of their time.' (

Why SHOULD we? Yes, in an ideal world, everyone would be contributing to the charity sector, giving their money to charities that need funds to continue. Or volunteer their time to support our big AND small charities.

But the idea that it should become a 'social norm that they SHOULD' suggests to me that we're one step away from the government putting a charity tax on every single person in this country, forcing us to either donate our money or time to charity. They've already started with their plans for young people NEEDING to volunteer a certain number of hours at the age of 16.

The artictle in question, which is where the quote is from:

Read: Jan 4th - Short story 'On The Floor'

January 4th

Read: Grl2grl by Julie Anne Peters, Short story 'On The Floor'

I'm so utterly confused by this anthology of short stories. Perhaps I misunderstood the actual book because I thought it was supposes to be full of stories about gay girls. It appears to be more about teenagers - whether they're gay, straight, in love with their teacher or into basketball.

That's right, the newest delight is about two girls (one is definitely a girl and assuming the match is an official rules thing, the other one probably will be too) playing basketball.

Now that concept doesn't seem repulsive in any way and I actually enjoyed it for the most part. There was a section I thoroughly enjoyed but then they overdid it by repeating the style of short, one/few-word sentences. Despite ruining it's main good aspect, I will still share with you part of it. To really feel it, imagine you're watching a game of basketball and one team has the ball, they're moving swiftly across the court, the other team are defending, doing everything they can to get the ball, then they get it back again. It's all quick, speedy and that's how you should read this, to get it's full effect.

The game. Play. Bodies clashing, gliding, sliding against each other. Grunting, groaning, crying out. Keening, squealing, primitive animal sounds. The pungent smell, the odor of exertion and exhilaration. The salty taste of sweat - mine and hers. Slick, sticky neck, arms, hands.

It's pretty attention grabbing.

Luckily I got a short one tonight as I go back to work in the morning, so sleep is a must. Fingers crossed I'll be able to keep up with my resolution while working.

Write: Jan 3rd - In This Life (chapter twenty)

Yesterday I began a new project which I worked on further today, I turned about 350 words into 1250 words. I'm not entirely happy with those words, but I wrote them anyway. That's one of the good things about writing fiction, in my opinion, being able to write, rewrite and rewrite again. It's something I enjoyed particularly about my story Guilt. I spent months doing just that until I'd actually rewritten the start after the rest of the story had been completed, despite it being the very first thing I wrote originally.

Now with fanfiction, usually rewriting can't occur on a full story basis. Sure, while I'm trying to put a chapter together, I can edit it as much as I like. But once in a while I find myself wanting to change things I've already published...which can't really be done if 500 people have already read it.

Part of me has wanted to rewrite my story In This Life(ITL), which, for the most part, I an proud of. However, as writers block took hold of me many months ago, it made ITL harder and harder to write.

You're possibly sat there thinking, what are you talking about? Does this post have a point? Why yes, it does. In This Life, after months of struggles has finally been updated. It may not be the best chapter in the world, I may not be as proud if said chapter as I could be. But mostly, I'm just glad I felt able to write it. Now I wonder if I'll have the ability to write more, I hope so. I really, really hope so.

Here it is:

Monday, 3 January 2011

Excepting in action!

Yesterday I used the word excepting in a sentence, I wasn't entirely comfortable doing so, but it fit so I'm happy.

"More important, perhaps, than any other person she’d ever come across. Not excepting her closest, most irritating, minutes older, sister."
- How to Fall in Love and Not Die

Read: Jan 3rd - Short story 'Outside/Inside'

January 3rd

Read: Grl2grl by Julie Anne Peters, Short story 'Outside/Inside'

So I'm here again, with another short story from the same book. I haven't blogged the first story because I read it around the time I first got the book. I do, however, after having read 3 of the 10 stories in the book, wonder if I should just read them all. They can't all be as clichéd as yesterdays, can they?!

Maybe they can.

See, I thought it was going well. This wonderful story about trying to choose the best card to send. It was from the point of view of a boy, at least I think 'Logan' is meant to be a boy (I never can tell with American names - today I learnt someone named her daughter Hunter, who'd have thought it?). I read most of the story imagining it was a female, it could have been either, the story didn't specify enough for a gender to be chosen.

Anyway, I'm getting off track. Logan bought a card, it kept mentioning the outside then inside messages.

(Outside) I love you
(Inside) Every day/ every way

That wasn't so bad, I quite like the concept. The build up of buying a card with card messages and details of moments Logan had spent noticing the girl he liked.

Until the end, when we find out it's for a teacher. Talk about a cliché, what an anti-climax.

Now I'm wondering if there's any point reading any more from this book, well, that's story four. Why not try just one more.

Until tomorrow...for now I will read a non-fiction book about counselling children. I wonder if it will be any good.

P.S. Having read the book last night for all of about five minutes I realised that the counselling book was also rather infuriating. I don't agree with most of the things suggested in the chapter I started. That book will be returning to the college library unread, I can guarantee that now.

Write: Jan 2nd - A New Project (Skins fiction)

I'm posting this a little late, but today(yesterday) I started a new Skins project. I know I have many stories that have been abandoned, left behind in the mess that has been the last 12 months of my writing.

I catalogued my work, put together a list known as "A Year In Fic", I did it in 2009 too. That year I wrote 35 stories, 5 of those were from my series - that's an awful lot of writing.

This year I did 23, only 2 of those were longer than one-shots.

That makes me feel disappointed and sad. I could have done better.

In all fairness to me I have had a lot of changes this year - three jobs, a period of being unemployed, a college course that I began, a sister returning to live at home and so disrupt everything in her path. It's not been easy, especially these last few months with my job, course and sister to contend with.

But here I am, with a new year ahead of me and I'm ready, willing and putting my best foot forward. My job is only part time, my course ends in March and maybe my job too. I don't know what the future holds, but you can bet that I'll be there with a pen(or keyboard) in my hand, writing my way into next year.

Maybe I'll consider writing some original fiction, creating a blog to showcase a story full of new people and exciting new adventures. Maybe I'll write fanfiction about the new generation of Skins or maybe I'll stick with Naomi and Emily who I'm so desperately unwilling to let go of.

In the meantime, I will work on my new idea - a story only known as 'How to Fall in Love and Not Die'.

Wish me luck, I may need it.

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Word: Jan 2nd - Belga

I played Scrabble today and in doing so I tried to guess a couple of possible words (Words with Friends for the iPod tells you if a word isn't right) and in doing so I guessed Belga.

That is my word of the day.

By definition Belga is actually a Belgian news agency. Who'd have thought it?!

Read: Jan 2nd - Short story 'After Alex'

January 2nd

Read: Grl2grl by Julie Anne Peters, Short story 'After Alex'

It's all very American. I'm not against US literature but when it reeks in clichés and fakery, it really puts me off. And don't even get me started on having someone play with fire, then another character use that to talk about a sexual fire between the two other girls. Talk about clichés.

So the story is about a girl who was in love with someone called Alex, before the story began she received an email from Alex saying she wanted them to get back together. All very well, but the idea that Alex, who'd been through the process of coming out as gay, couldn't even understand that Rachael needed more time before PDAs. That annoys me.

I appear to have strong issues with this short story. The whole book really. Two stories now have mentioned a Gay/Straight Alliance in school (since they're all set in high school), I should Google that, find out more about if it exists. What I really seem to dislike about the book is how American it is, how PRIVILEGED America it is. Teenage girls going on ski trips on an average day of the week. It reminds me of a romantic comedy where you just know the main characters are loaded.

As I said, I'm not against the book being American but as a British young person I want something I can relate to. I don't relate to pom pom culture full of ski trips and second homes. I relate to honest, well built characters I can actually care about. Yesterday's story felt more real to me, the girl in that was infinitely more interesting. After all, she didn't date someone who dumped her to go back to the ex she dumped to be with her in the first place. What sort of message is that sending out?!

Oh Christ, now there's cutting? If you can't deal with an issue fully, don't even bring it up if you ask me. The idea of that added to the story makes me cringe. That was the only, briefest of mentions. Pointless.

And so the story ends with the girl taking back her cheating ex, yeah, way to go "role models".

I know not all fiction needs to be role model based but I feel something so aimed at teenagers has something of a moral responsibility to represent life in a certain way. For this story there was no message, except don't accept an apology from someone who seems to flit between you and someone else or you'll only get hurt. Actually, that's not the message, it's something I tool from it because I have the maturity to understand that love doesn't mean you're blind to someone's idiocies.

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Write: Jan 1st - For Always (The Mentalist fic)

Whilst many people know me as a writer of Skins fanfiction, I also write other things too. I have some original fiction I've created over time and I have more recently started writing Rigsby and Van Pelt stories in 'The Mentalist' fandom.

That's the writing I did today. On LiveJournal there is a prompt community and I signed up to a 20 prompt table. Here is my first ficlet written for the community.

Word: Jan 1st - excepting

I've come across this word a lot lately thanks to reading the epic Sympathy for the Devil fanfiction by tromana (which you should read if you have some spare time). I kept seeing it there on the page and I knew it wasn't right, well, not wrong. I simply mean unfamiliar to me. It appealed to me though, in the same way words for reverie do.

Which is my reason for my word of the day being: excepting.


Prep. With the exception of.
Conj. Except.

(The American Heritage Dictionary)


Prep. Excluding; except; except for (esp in the phrase not excepting).
Conj. An archaic word for unless.
Usage: The word of excepting is considered by many people to be acceptable only after not, only, or without. Elsewhere except is preferred.

My understanding of the word is that a sentence structured as "He was well again except a slight pain in his chest" cannot have except exchanged for excepting.

However, the sentence can be restructured so that it reads "Excepting a slight pain in his chest, he was well again."

I'm already excited to put this word into practice.

Read: Jan 1st - Grl2grl by Julie Anne Peters, chapter 'Can't Stop the Feeling'

January 1st

Read: Grl2grl by Julie Anne Peters, Short story 'Can't Stop the Feeling'

A story about a girl called Mariah, it's very American and felt in many ways like a cliché of American teenage life. But the concept was important, significant. Mariah isn't just any teenager, she's gay. Not that she'll admit that. Not to the Gay/ Straight Alliance that meets in her school every Thursday at three pm, not even to herself.

Until the day she faces her fear of stepping through the doorway, entering the meeting one Thursday after doing everything to avoid them for about five weeks. Only it's not so bad.

Not only does the lovely sounding Lily (of course made me think Loveless, but with pom poms haha) make for a very possible future partner, she also offers her not just non-judgement but also the gift of time. There's no rush admitting how she feels and that, I feel, is the greatest message to come out of the story.

You don't have to tell people that you're gay, you don't even have to think about it...but when you do, someone will be there to listen, to support you and to help you come to terms with it.

A challenge for 2011

On the first day of January 2011 I challenge myself to read and write something every single day. It doesn't need to be much - a paragraph, a handful of quotes, or a 3000 word chapter. Whatever it is, I will catalogue it here. I also hope to learn some new words - perhaps one a day, at least a couple every week.

So that is my challenge and this is my stage, in order for you, whoever you are, to follow my task.

Happy 2011, here's to a productive year.